Bargaining Positions
Collective bargaining continues between the University of Illinois Chicago and UIC United Faculty, the union representing, among others, certain tenure/tenure-track (TT) and non-tenure-track (NTT) faculty at UIC.
To date, the university and union have participated in 33 negotiation sessions. Fourteen of the last 15 meetings included guidance from an independent federal mediator in which the parties have reached multiple tentative agreements. Overall, the sides have reached a tentative agreement on 17 of 23 items.
Information detailing the remaining articles currently being negotiated and the bargaining positions of both parties, as of Jan. 22, are presented below:
Article VI: Compensation, Leaves and Group Health Heading link
Article VI: Compensation, Leaves and Group Health
Yr. 2: 3%
Yr. 3: 2.5
Yr. 4: 3%Yr. 1: 3.5%
Yr. 2: 3%
Yr. 3: 2.5%
Yr. 4: 3%Compression/Equity Pool 2% Yr. 1: 1%
Yr. 2: 2.25%
Yr. 3: 2.25%
Yr. 4: 2.25%Yr. 1: .5%
Yr. 2: 1.5%
Yr. 3: 1.25%
Yr. 4: 1.5%Equity adjustment N/A 2.25% ($2,500 base salary increase in first year of contract) 2.25% ($2,500 base salary increase in first year of contract) Total Raise Pool N/A 22% over four-year contract 19% over four-year contract Professional Expenses – Tenure & Tenure-Track $900/$600 $1,200/$900 (by yr. 3) $1,200/$900 (by yr. 3) Professional Expenses – Non-Tenure-Track $600/$600 $1,200/$900 (by yr. 3) $1,200/$900 (by yr. 3) Computers $1,500 $1,600 + 4 yr. warranty $1,600 + 4 yr. warranty Minimum Salaries $50,000/$65,000 20% NTT/15.4% TT NTT: 16% in first year of contract
TT: 8% in first year of contractDuration 4 years 4 years 4 years
Article VII: Institutional Commitments Heading link
Article VII: Institutional Commitments
UICUF: Proposing that the contract stipulate the university will provide free psychological and neuropsychological assessments and expanded mental health resources to students and a side letter committing the university to appoint an oversite committee consisting of faculty, administrators, staff, union representatives and student government representatives to oversee the mental health plan announced by the university.
UIC: The university announced an approved $4.47 million plan to enhance student mental health services. Also, UIC informed the union that it is committed to identify additional enhancements to student mental health and will be guided on this by consultants from the American College Health Association. The university continues to insist that a clause regarding student services does not belong in a faculty employment contract.
Article IX: Appointments Heading link
Article IX: Appointments
UICUF: Proposed that NTT faculty who have contracts for longer than one year receive a one-year notice whether or not they would be reappointed. The union also proposed that other NTT faculty receive notice by March 1 whether or not they will be reappointed.
UIC: The university proposed that a one-year notice would be allowed for faculty who have been employed for 15 years. The union countered that a one-year notice would be allowed for faculty who have been employed for 10 years, and the university has agreed to this change.
The university has told the union that the March 1 date is too early for other faculty because at that point we do not know our enrollment or budget by March 1 for the following academic year. However, the university has proposed a May 15 deadline for initial notice of reappointment or non-reappointment. This is earlier than the June 1 deadline in place now. The university has also committed to contacting units by April 1 to encourage them to offer reappointments to as many bargaining unit members as possible before May 15 and indicating that offers can be made earlier than May 15. The April 1 date was offered in direct response to an issue the UICUF raised during the Jan. 18 bargaining session and the union is considering these modifications.
On this article, the university also agreed to the major changes proposed by the union regarding contract length, including shortening the amount of time it takes for an NTT faculty member to earn a multi-year contract from five years to three years.
NOTE: Both sides are in agreement with this article for TT faculty, however the union has tied acceptance only as part of the package with all of the other remaining articles.
Article XI: Governance Heading link
Article XI: Governance
Both sides are in agreement on this article, however the union has tied acceptance only as part of the package with all of the other remaining articles.
Article XIII: Duration Heading link
Article XIII: Duration
UICUF: Proposing a four-year contract
UIC: Proposing a four-year contract
Article XV: Discipline and Dismissal Heading link
Article XV: Discipline and Dismissal
UICUF: Proposing changes to the TT faculty contract to provide due process or just cause provisions for discipline that go beyond what is provided in the University of Illinois Statutes.
UIC: The University of Illinois Statutes outline discipline for faculty and the university must conform to those provisions which can only be altered through shared governance across the U of I System.
NOTE: Both sides are in agreement on this article for the NTT faculty, however the union has tied acceptance only as part of the package with all of the other remaining articles.